2019 其他片 伦理
2019 其他片 欧美
被帕塔克(苏尚特·辛格·拉吉普特 饰)寄予厚望的儿子拉加夫高考失利,因无法忍受“失败者”的标签而发生意外。面对病床前丧失信心的儿子,帕塔克讲述了大学时代,自己与朋友们以及前妻玛雅(施拉达·卡普尔 饰),为了完成“失败者”的逆袭,在冠军联赛中“损招”尽出的故事。一段啼笑皆非的青春往事揭开帷幕,他们会实现最初的梦想吗?
2019 其他片 欧美
Diego Gardini (Ruffini) is a highly successful entrepreneur, a major wheeler and dealer who knows just about everyone in show-business. He is also an extremely obnoxious, selfish, egotistical lout who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. One day, he loses his cell phone in a public washroom just before an overseas flight. Two janitors find the phone and, to avenge Gardini’s mistreatment of them, choose to flood Gardini’s social media accounts with scandalous messages and pictures. Given Gardini’s fame as a socialite, the messages go viral, jeopardizing Gardini’s job and future. Modalità Aereo is a high-concept film filled with slapstick moments, embarrassing scenes, misunderstandings and humiliation, in the tradition of classic Italian comedies.