2013 恐怖片 恐怖
美丽女孩郑多恩(孙艺珍 饰)自幼和父亲顺满(金甲洙 饰)相依为命,无论周遭如何变化,父亲依然是她最亲近的人在多恩求职期间,15年前一起轰动全国的绑架案重新被人提起当年名叫韩采进的儿童遭人绑架并杀害,而绑架者却始终下落不明眼看追诉期将过,一部根据该事件改编的影片全国公映,影片结尾更公开了嫌疑犯当年的电话录音和朋友结伴观影的多恩惊恐地发现,那被称作“恶魔的低语”的声音经和父亲的声音如此相像她尝试调查父亲的过去,却始终没有收获   某天,一名沈姓男子出现在父女的生活中,他似乎知晓关于顺满不可告人的过去,也将黑暗带到这个看似普通的家庭之中……
2013 恐怖片 恐怖

学识渊博伟岸帅气的任智勋(李忠秀 饰)是小有名气的精神科医师,他偏向冷静思维人与人之间的情感,将一切都归于最理性科学解释,内心虽感深深孤独,却时常和不同的女子夜夜欢歌,双栖双宿,一味沉湎肉体的欢愉。他的同事兼好友俊基则不然,是一个追求真爱的传统男子。俊基通过相亲结识美丽的提线木偶师贤贞(具智成 饰),然而对方仿佛隐藏的无尽的心事。贤贞时常会看到恐怖的鬼影出现在她的面前,有时会莫名其妙失去知觉。为了帮助女友摆脱困境,俊基拜托智勋采用催眠的办法为贤贞治疗。                                    

2013 恐怖片 恐怖
One spring day when the autumn colors had filled, three members of the movie club suddenly decide to borrow a senior's car and take a trip to an isolated village in Mountain Nae-jang Being the first trip there, they get lost a little and witness a terrible accident but picked up a navigation device nearby The kind voice on the device leads them to there destination but they e (展开全部)   One spring day when the autumn colors had filled, three members of the movie club suddenly decide to borrow a senior's car and take a trip to an isolated village in Mountain Nae-jang Being the first trip there, they get lost a little and witness a terrible accident but picked up a navigation device nearby The kind voice on the device leads them to there destination but they end up somewhere they never expected They decide to take a break and find a piece of flat stone to grill some meat on but realized the stone was a gravestone and run away in their car Their tragedy starts when someone jumps out from nowhere and is hit by their car