2019 战争片 战争
In the early days of WWII, an international convoy of 37 Allied ships, led by captain Ernest Krause in his first mand of a U.S. destroyer, crosses the treacherous North Atlantic while hotly pursued by wolf packs of Nazi U-boats.BY:https://www.zhuijukan./zhanzheng/huigougongji/

2019 战争片 战争
  《航海王:狂热行动》是“航海王系列”第14部剧场版,也是《航海王》动画二十周年纪念之作。                                                                      以超新星为代表的众多航海家纷纷现身世界最大的航海家庆典——航海世博会。草帽航海团也收到了主办者费斯塔的邀请函,搭乘万里阳光号前往。原以为航海家们的狂热世博会只是为争夺“航海王罗杰留下的宝藏”,就在神秘宝藏争夺战如火如荼之际,阻挡在路飞等人面前的可怕威胁道格拉斯·巴雷特突然现身!暗藏阴谋的敌我混战一触即发……

2019 战争片 战争

It follows four American soldiers set out on the grueling ascent of an Italian mountainside in the closing days of WWII, haunted by their evil sergeant’s cold-blooded murder of a young woman and with an old Italian man of uncertain loyalties as their gu