2018 剧情片 剧情
十九世纪末的巴黎仍弥漫着美好年代的浪漫氛围,城市一角却盛传有连续诱拐女童案件。来自新喀里多尼亚的原住民女孩迪莉莉,只身跳上开往法国的船,与少年好友一同探索城市的每一个角落;也伏入险恶,调查诱拐案件的真相。继脍炙人口的《叽哩咕与女巫》、《一千零二夜》等名作后,动画大师欧斯 洛再以剪纸美学雕磨奇想,结合写实风景、历史脉络,以女孩视角重探奇幻花都。
2018 剧情片 剧情

Together with her father, a 17-year-old girl takes care of her mentally and physically severely disabled sister. This is becoming increasingly exhausting, as she has to sacrifice her own life and dreams. Emotions get out of control and love may easily turn into hate. How to live such a life? Is it even possible to find a compromise here? A masterful film which brings the experiences and choices of those who are forced to be in such a situation frightfully close, doing so very realistically, without pathos. This can only be done with thorough knowledge of the topic. Director Margaux Bonhomme herself has grown up in a family with a disabled person – she has taken care of her own sister. She has carried this story with her for years and has now written it with the blood of her own heart. The lead actors of the film, Diane Rouxel and Jeanne Cohendy, have just shared the Best Actress Award at the Saint-Jean-de-Luz Film Festival in France. And this is how they should be regarded – as an ensemble. Cohendy is in no respect weaker than Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio who have given us disabled person roles worthy of an Oscar or an Oscar nomination. Tiit Tuumalu

2018 剧情片 剧情

2018 剧情片 剧情
2018 剧情片 剧情
2018 剧情片 剧情
不知生母是谁的泰奥自出生后便交由社会福利部门照顾,社会工作者亦尽力为他寻找适合的养母他的生命就是这样开始的爱丽丝在过去十年一直都很想要一个孩子《In Safe Hands》是讲述一个三个月大的婴儿和四十一岁的爱丽丝相遇的故事
2018 剧情片 剧情
Director/co-writer Myriam Aziza's queer romantic comedy features a French woman (Sarah Stern) attempting to come out as a lesbian to her conservative Jewish family. Her long term relationship with her partner is threatened by her inexplicable attraction to a male Senegalese chef (Jean-Christophe Folly).
2018 剧情片 剧情
尽管员工在财务方面做出了巨大牺牲,公司也获得了创纪录盈利,但Perrin Industrie工厂的管理层仍决定关闭全厂工人与企业的协议被撕毁,承诺未被遵守,1100名员工在其领导人Laurent Amédéo的带领下,拒绝接受这个突如其来的决定,并尝试拯救各自的岗位
2018 剧情片 剧情