2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
乔治·诺非将执导全新影片[银行家](The Banker,暂译),塞缪尔·杰克逊、安东尼·麦凯、尼古拉斯·霍尔特、尼娅·朗等主演。乔治·诺非、尼科·莱维共同操刀剧本。Romulus Entertainment融资。影片基于伯纳德·加勒特(安东尼·麦凯饰)和乔·莫里斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊饰)两个非裔美国企业家的真实故事改编,1950年代他们试图挣脱种族歧视的传统枷锁,招募白人工人为其工作。尼古拉斯·霍尔特扮演他们商业帝国的一名白人负责人。目前影片在亚特兰大展开拍摄。
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
凯伦·吉兰加盟[野性的呼唤],主演哈里森·福特、丹·史蒂文斯,福斯出品。影片改编自杰克·伦敦同名小说,导演克里斯·桑德斯([疯狂原始人]),编剧迈克尔·格林[(异形:契约])。该片以克朗岱克淘金热为背景,围绕淘金者约翰·桑顿(福特饰)的历险故事展开。影片 采用真人、CGI结合方式,已在洛杉矶开机,北美定档明年12月25日。
2020 其他片 欧美
You're Bacon Me Crazy is a deliciously charming love story about Cleo, a spunky young chef with a popular food truck. With the help of her niece Tessa, Cleo's handcrafted Italian sandwiches have become a favorite of the bustling and competitive Portland food scene. But when Gabe, the handsome chef of a rival food truck called the Bacon Wagon, parks across the street, Cleo's goal to win a local food truck competition takes a spicy turn. With Gabe's help and her family's encouragement, Cleo comes to learn that she's not going to win if she doesn't push herself. As she comes to realize that owning her own restaurant is what she wants most, she also begins to understand that her food isn't the only thing that could use some TLC. The only way Cleo can have everything she wants is if she adds the most important ingredient to both her cooking and her life. And that's love.
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
 When Claire Carpenter's dad sends her to Australia to coach an elite boys swim team, Claire finds herself face to face with long-time rival Mikayla Michaels, and the news that the camp will close if the team loses the next meet. To save the camp, Claire must overcome a secret fear, put aside her differences with Mikayla and rediscover her passion.
2020 其他片 欧美
  本片是专门为影史最卖座恐怖电影<猛鬼街>系列制作的纪录片,本片将揭秘鬼王-弗兰迪的更多精彩幕后。   Explore the origins of everyone's favorite hideously charred boogeyman, discover the secrets of the horror franchise that keeps coming back, and find out just what an impact Wes Craven's creation has had on the world of pop culture in this documentary narrated by original Nightmare on Elm Street star Heather Langencamp. In-depth interviews with the actors and filmmakers who helped make Freddy Krueger a true icon of fright reveal delicious details about the series that's been giving horror fans goose-bumps since 1984, and newly unearthed materials offer a better look than ever at the Elm Street legacy. Highlights include interviews with Wes Craven, John Saxon, and Robert Englund, as well as behind-the-scenes footage, special effects footage, and deleted scenes.   Child murderer. Dream demon. The bastard son of a hundred maniacs. Any way you slice it, there can only be one man,one monster, who epitomizes those words:   Freddy Krueger.   For decades, Freddy has slashed his way through the dreams of countless youngsters, scaring up over half a billion dollars at the box office across eight terrifying,spectacular films. What's more, it has become evident that Freddy may never rest in peace.   In this thrilling retrospective, fans will enter the world of Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare On Elm Street like never before: exploring what spurred mastermind Wes Craven to craft the first groundbreaking film; delving deep behind the scenes of the original and all of its sequels; learning how the cast and crew brought their worst nightmares to life; and finally, understanding the impact the series and its mythos have had on modern pop culture and the horror genre.   Narrated by and starring Heather Langenkamp, featuring interviews with the cast and crew spanning every film, and loaded with clips, photographs, storyboards, conceptual art, publicity materials, archival documents and behind-the-scenes footage, Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy is the definitive account of what many have called the best, most frightening and imaginative horror franchise in motion picture history.
2020 其他片 欧美
皮尔斯·布鲁斯南将出演动作新片[异类](The Misfits,暂译)。本片由雷尼·哈林执导,故事发生在中东,讲述了一名犯罪高手在一次重大的黄金盗窃案中被捕的故事。该片将于本月在阿布扎比开机。
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
A professional thief with $40 million in debt and his family's life on the line must commit one final heist - rob a futuristic airborne casino filled with the world's most dangerous criminals.