2019 其他片 欧美
据悉这不会是传统的重启,Mike Chessler和Chris Alberghini担任编剧,两人此前为《新飞越比佛利》操刀剧本,并与斯培林合作了《So Notorious》。原版剧集1990年开播,讲述贝弗利山的一群孩子们在高中相识、相知,成为朋友,随着时间推移,朋友之间的关系开始发生变化,有的互相爱恋,有的互相憎恨,描绘他们大学、步入社会的生活。
2019 其他片 欧美
Rose, a sweet, small town driving instructor, is gifted with supernatural abilities, "The Talents", which mean she can talk to the spirit world. Rose has a love hate relationship with her abilities, after seeing what they did to her Dad, Vincent, and tries to ignore the constant small-time spiritual requests from locals - haunted rubbish bins, tractors, children's bikes, frying pans etc, etc. Yet when her help is requested by Sarah, a teenager whose father, Martin, is being haunted by his deceased nagging wife, she is very tempted...Martin seems like a very nice man! Meanwhile, in a large castle outside town, Christian Winter, a washed up rock star, has a sinister plan to sell his soul for renewed success. He needs to sacrifice a virgin and puts a spell on Sarah, leaving her in a levitating catatonic state. Martin, bewildered, asks Rose to help him save his daughter. Martin and Rose set about trying to break the spell which requires the speedy exorcism of many ghosts before the spell ...
2019 其他片 欧美
2019 其他片 欧美
2019 其他片 欧美