2021 战争片 战争
  1932年后,日军陆续占领上海多个区域,曾经繁华十里洋场沦为一座黑暗笼罩下孤城,在抗日浪潮推动下,各界爱国人士殒身不逊奋起反击,接连狙杀多名日军官员,引起了日方高度警惕。 故事以一场在新世界“精心策划”的告别宴为由,各界爱国人士纷纷乔装进入生日宴服务团队,其中负责传递重要情报的,就是混入制衣部门给大佐夫人缝制“瑞鹤”和服的一群旗袍师傅。 一代旗袍宗师孙添保,恪守旗袍风骨,一身正气,宁身死,不为日本人制旗袍,门徒三人,大师兄范立饶、二师姐孔绘心、小师弟张仲亭,身份成谜,正反难分。 一次围绕日本人的“暗杀”行动,一场迷雾重生的“局中局”,谁才是真正“卧底”,谁才是最后的“胜者”?
2021 战争片 战争


2021 战争片 战争

As the seasoned infantry and tank units of the German 11th Panzer "Ghost" division move silently into position on the snow covered hills around Nennig Germany ,a battle weary GI and his unit stand ready to defend the small town, a key position in the Allied advance to win the war. Outgunned and outnumbered, S/ Sgt Don Smith struggles to find hope and courage against overwhelming odds in one of the decisive confrontations in the "Battle of the Bulge" during WWII. His squad of GI's of the 94th Infantry Division lay dug in on the ridge-line outside of town. No one in high command believed that German forces would attack in the sub zero temperatures and near blizzard conditions. As the pre-dawn attack comes, with communications down Sgt. Smith is left with no choice but to make his way through enemy fire, unarmed and wounded, into town and warn of the coming attack. Based on actual accounts "Everyman's War" explores the heroic events of this decorated veterans courage and the struggle between duty and desire. Between the prospect of the life and love, Dorine that waits at home and the harsh realities of war which marks the pivotal epoch in his life as he discovers that the loss of hope can be worse than the loss of life. One man's courage... One man's hope...Everyman's War.

2021 战争片 战争