2010 剧情片 剧情
Chased out of the old world, the dark vampire lord Giovanni flees to the American southwest where he sets up a new brood. Longshank, Brittan's premier vampire slayer follows him here, and in a final confrontation in the Arizona desert both are killed. A hundred years later Melissa, a gorgeous, goth, lesbian college student, is obsessed with becoming a vampire and escaping her terrible home life. Along with her four friends, Ted, Liz, Mona, and Kent, she regularly conducts ceremonies where she...
2010 剧情片 剧情

一颗心脏,两个需要它的人,如果是你的话你会怎么做? 一个陷入脑死亡状态的中年女患者被送进了医院。为了给患有心脏病的女儿做心脏移植,正在苦苦寻找心脏的延熙要将巨款支付给脑死亡患者的儿子辉度。但是随着母亲陷入昏迷的真相一点点被揭开,辉度决心要拼死挽回母亲的生命,而万分焦急的母亲延熙也在这一刻迈向了危险。。。