2019 其他片 欧美
BBC和Netflix公布合作新剧:日英双语的8集惊悚剧《职责/羞耻》(Giri/Haji),曝光剧照(图1)和卡司:主演为平岳大和窪冢洋介;凯莉·麦克唐纳、查理·科里德-米尔斯、贾斯汀·朗、本木雅弘、中村优子、伊川东吾、丘光子、福田知盛、Katsuya Minato、Yoshiki Minato、Tony Pitts等也出演。该剧设定在伦敦和东京,讲述一起谋杀案在两地引起的后果:原本亲密的兄弟俩因为一个充满暴力的瞬间决定而渐渐疏远,哥哥Kenzo(平岳大饰演)是一个东京警察、爱家男人,弟弟(窪冢洋介饰演)某天突然失踪,Kenzo去到伦敦寻找他,却在达到后被卷入神秘商人搭档Abbott和Vickers的阴暗世界,Abbott想要把自己的产业延伸到东方。麦克唐纳饰演一名英国警探,在调查一起谋杀,也成为了Kenzo对自己的妻子是否忠诚的一个考验。Joe Barton(《我们的世界大战》)任主创和编剧,Julian Farino(《奇妙人生》)执导。BBC剧情类剧集部门的总管Piers Wenger表示,该剧将是“英剧里你前所未见的东西”。已在伦敦开拍,今年晚些时候将去东京拍摄。
2019 其他片 欧美
The title designates the heart of this film – a whale bone box tied with fishing net and found washed up on the shore. Is it an enigmatic object containing a secret? A relic, a survivor from a mysterious shipwreck, or perhaps possessing magic powers? No-one knows, except that it was given to Ian Sinclair, writer, filmmaker, psychogeographer and Andrew Kötting’s walking companion in his latest “jaunt- themed” films. They set out on an expedition to take this box from London to its place of origin, a beach on the Isle of Harris in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides. The trip is not to solve the mystery, but to feel its powers. In parallel to this journey, far away, is Andrew Kötting’s daughter Eden, who has already appeared in several of his earlier films. This film also sets off on a very different voyage. While, as Iain points out, the object seems “heavier and heavier, turning into a different substance”, Eden, suffering from Joubert syndrome, shapes the film with her unfathomable being. “What can you see? Where are you?” we hear, murmurs repeated throughout the film by the father addressing the young woman. From the depths of her sleep or adorned with a magnificent crown of flowers and binoculars, she is the film’s muse, its guide and oracle. This generous odyssey also takes us on a few detours, including via dead poets Basil Bunting and Sorley MacLean and the sculptor Steve Dilworth – and further still, with successive touches, via other boxes, other seas, other mysteries, other whales and other quests, from Pandora to Moby Dick. The film should also be heard as a cry from the depths, an offering and a magnificent ode to Eden, an artist whose work, Kötting tells us “is rooted in an elsewhere”. (N.F.)
2019 其他片 欧美
Upon hearing of his mentor's impending death, haggard musician Kino Warren begins a journey on foot across country, and through a place not of this world referred to as "the territory". Kino believes wholeheartedly that the mentor cannot die until he arrives. On his journey, Kino is unaware several people are on his tail - varyingly malicious and politically involved - in search of the only-known recording of the greatest piece of music ever made, a piece supposedly capable of taking away all pain within the listener - created by his mentor, and in his possession, completely unbeknownst to him.
2019 其他片 欧美
Bleecker Street购得连姆·尼森、莱丝利·曼维尔主演[普通人](Normal People,暂译)北美发行权。[樱桃炸弹]导演丽莎·巴路士·达萨、格伦·莱本执导。连姆与莱丝利饰演夫妻,故事讲述他们如何度过充满逆境的一年。该片计划于明年上映。
2019 其他片 欧美
2019 其他片 欧美
2019 其他片 欧美
2019 其他片 欧美
2019 其他片 欧美
A young man who was imprisoned comes out of prison and arrives in a rural village. With the help of a Catholic priest, the young could work in a carpenter’s shop, but he stole the priest’s uniform and acts as a priest in the village.
2019 其他片 欧美
Maud, a young religious private carer becomes dangerously fixated with saving the soul of her glamorous patient Amanda (Ehle).