2014 爱情片 爱情
改编自文学大师康拉德(Joseph Conrad)的经典名著《黑暗之心》,描述年轻船长康拉德,第一次领航就前往神秘的中国南海,但桀骜不驯的中国船员们却怀疑他和贪心的老板想将船给弄沉,骗取保险金,于是百般刁难趁着停泊在一个不知名的海湾时,船员纷纷跑上岸,此时康拉德竟然在船边发现一个一丝不挂的东方美女,没想到将她救上船后,却发现她被指控为杀人凶手。
2014 爱情片 爱情
Set to the music of popular hit songs from the 1980s. A beautiful coastal village, present day Italy. After a whirlwind romance, Maddie is preparing to marry gorgeous Italian Raf, and has invited her sister Taylor to the wedding. Unbeknownst to Maddie, however, Raf is Taylor's ex-holiday flame, and the love of her life...