2020 其他片 欧美
本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇将出演冷战时期的英国“间谍”Greville Wynne,他将主演FilmNation投资的新片《铁皮木》(Ironbark),据悉风格会类似康伯巴奇也出演了的《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》,改编自Wynne的真实故事:他是一名英国商人,在冷战时期帮助CIA渗透了苏联的核武器项目,他和他的苏联消息源Oleg Penkovsky提供了终结古巴导弹危机的关键情报。该片将由Dominic Cooke(《在切瑟尔海滩上》)执导,他与康伯巴奇已合作过BBC剧集《空王冠》,初版剧本编剧是Tom O’Connor(《王牌保镖》)。
2019 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
2019 其他片 欧美
The title designates the heart of this film – a whale bone box tied with fishing net and found washed up on the shore. Is it an enigmatic object containing a secret? A relic, a survivor from a mysterious shipwreck, or perhaps possessing magic powers? No-one knows, except that it was given to Ian Sinclair, writer, filmmaker, psychogeographer and Andrew Kötting’s walking companion in his latest “jaunt- themed” films. They set out on an expedition to take this box from London to its place of origin, a beach on the Isle of Harris in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides. The trip is not to solve the mystery, but to feel its powers. In parallel to this journey, far away, is Andrew Kötting’s daughter Eden, who has already appeared in several of his earlier films. This film also sets off on a very different voyage. While, as Iain points out, the object seems “heavier and heavier, turning into a different substance”, Eden, suffering from Joubert syndrome, shapes the film with her unfathomable being. “What can you see? Where are you?” we hear, murmurs repeated throughout the film by the father addressing the young woman. From the depths of her sleep or adorned with a magnificent crown of flowers and binoculars, she is the film’s muse, its guide and oracle. This generous odyssey also takes us on a few detours, including via dead poets Basil Bunting and Sorley MacLean and the sculptor Steve Dilworth – and further still, with successive touches, via other boxes, other seas, other mysteries, other whales and other quests, from Pandora to Moby Dick. The film should also be heard as a cry from the depths, an offering and a magnificent ode to Eden, an artist whose work, Kötting tells us “is rooted in an elsewhere”. (N.F.)
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0 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
丹尼尔·雷德克里夫将出演由Francis Annan自编自导的新片[逃离比勒陀利亚](Escape From Pretoria,暂译)。电影根据真实事件改编。丹尼尔将扮演蒂姆·詹金,是两名南非白人中的一员。他们1978年因为参加非洲人民大会秘密反种族隔离行动而被视为恐怖分子并入狱,并策划越狱活动。