2020 其他剧 东南
2020 其他剧 东南
富二代kin(son 饰),是一家连锁酒店的总裁-冷酷无情而且性情骄纵。一次‘意外’让他碰到了小珠(vill 饰),一个看上去眼里只有钱的拜金女。因为这次‘意外’,Kin(son 饰)失去了记忆,个性有了一百八十度的大转变,不知不觉中对小珠(vill 饰)产生情愫。就在两情相悦时,kin(son 饰)的家人找来,并且还有深爱他的未婚妻。一些事情过后,kin(son 饰)原来的记忆渐渐恢复了,但却忘记了与小珠(vill 饰)的点点滴滴,回到自己原本的生活中去了。小珠(vill 饰)想尽一切办法为爱而战,但kin(son 饰)却认为她是个撒谎的拜金女。kin(son 饰)会记起对小珠(vill 饰)的爱吗?他又会选择谁呢?谁又是造成这一系列‘意外’的人呢?
2020 其他剧 东南
  A story about a love triangle and the real life of young people. Two brothers, Mai and Mhen, fell in love with the same woman, Pond. Because their family is poor, the two brothers had no choice but to get involved in illegal activities. On Bo's recommendation, they joined a car theft gang. To was the gang leader. Not long after that, Mai lost his father, Sorn, and Mhen learned about Mai and Pond's relationship. This time, Mai caught up in a lot of troubles. This includes To who was after him. Therefore, Mai had to solve all the troubles, be it about his relationship or people around him.