电影改编自伊朗女插画家Marjane Satrapi的同名漫画,以自传的形式讲述了自己的成长经历,反映了伊朗的社会变迁。 1979年之后,伊朗发起了伊斯兰教革命,社会动荡不安,革命的失败更使伊朗失去民主的希望,日渐保守,人民苦不堪言。九岁的Marjane早熟、敏感,她聪明地瞒过官方爪牙,迷上了西方朋克乐队和流行音乐,沉浸在自己的世界。 两伊战争爆发之后,伊朗的生活更加艰难,Marjane渐渐长大,越来越大胆的行为让父母担心不已,她14岁那年,被父母送到了奥地利上学。 在奥地利,Marjane身为一个伊朗人,不得不面对别人的歧视和自卑的情绪。当她终于克服了心理障碍,赢得大家认可的时候,爱情的伤痛和对家乡的思念,却使她决定回到父母身边。 此时的伊朗,依然经历着战火的洗礼,宗教对妇女生活的限制越发严苛,Marjane开始怀疑自己是否应该在这个充满专制的国度继续生活下去。©豆瓣
Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live together in a council estate, taking turns caring for their mother who is in a coma. She used to love Italian Opera, so Nour plays it for her, and develops a passion for that music. Between community work and rising tensions at home, Nour dreams of escaping to a faraway place. When he crosses paths with Sarah, an Opera singer teaching summer classes, he finally finds the opportunity to come out of his shell and explore new horizons.