2020 其他片 欧美
You're Bacon Me Crazy is a deliciously charming love story about Cleo, a spunky young chef with a popular food truck. With the help of her niece Tessa, Cleo's handcrafted Italian sandwiches have become a favorite of the bustling and competitive Portland food scene. But when Gabe, the handsome chef of a rival food truck called the Bacon Wagon, parks across the street, Cleo's goal to win a local food truck competition takes a spicy turn. With Gabe's help and her family's encouragement, Cleo comes to learn that she's not going to win if she doesn't push herself. As she comes to realize that owning her own restaurant is what she wants most, she also begins to understand that her food isn't the only thing that could use some TLC. The only way Cleo can have everything she wants is if she adds the most important ingredient to both her cooking and her life. And that's love.
2020 其他片 欧美
达科塔·范宁将主演Zeresenay Mehari([绑架婚姻])执导新片[腹中甜]。达科塔饰演女主角莉莉,她的父母在她儿时被杀,自己则被收养成为伊斯兰教徒,在前往埃塞尔比亚后遭遇战乱,遂逃往英国。影片本周在爱尔兰都柏林拍摄,随后将辗转埃塞俄比亚取景。西尔莎·罗南曾在2017年接触过该项目,最终退出。
2020 其他片 欧美
2020 其他片 欧美
A young thief with a history of grand theft auto becomes an informant and helps police bring down a criminal enterprise involved in the smuggling of hundreds of exotic super cars.
2020 其他片 欧美