2014 剧情片 剧情

The May Fair Hotel is thrilled to be presenting this special gala screening of ‘Keeping Rosy’. With film in its DNA, The May Fair Hotel is synonymous with the film and entertainment industry, and are proud to be supporting independent filmmaking.                                    
                               This British thriller stars Maxine Peake (‘Shameless’), with brilliant performances from Blake Harrison (‘The Inbetweeners’) and Christine Bottomley (‘The Arbor’).                                    
                               Charlotte (Peake) is a woman who is completely defined by her career. All she wants from life is to be cut a slice of the media agency she has devoted herself to building. However, the fragility of her perfect existence is exposed when, after finding out she’s been betrayed in the boardroom, she returns home and takes her anger out on her cleaner. As Charlotte’s life disintegrates, we follow her on a heart-racing journey of self-discovery, atonement and danger as she fights for a rosier future.

2014 剧情片 剧情


2014 剧情片 剧情
父亲的去世让贾德(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)回到了久违的家乡,同样回到这里的,还有贾德许久未曾谋面的兄弟姐妹们,父亲的遗愿将散落在天涯各处的他们重新聚集在了一起,共同度过七日短暂的时光。 久别重逢,众人心中的喜悦溢于言表,然而,随着时间的推移,隐藏在深处的秘密渐渐显露出狰狞的面目。其实,近日里贾德陷入了人生的最低谷,他的妻子竟然和他的老板搞在了一起,这使得贾德失去了妻子,同时丢掉了工作。让贾德没有想到的是,他的兄弟姐妹们居然各个都有着不可告人的麻烦,当他们暂时卸掉身上的枷锁,以孩童一般的赤子之心度过这七天后,能否迎来一个不一样的未来呢?
